Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Book of Starší Anderson - Chapter 6 (Week 6 at the MTC)

And it came to pass that in the commencement of the Sixth Week of Starší Anderson's Missionary Service, for behold he had been called to serve the people in the Republic of the Czechs for a period of 24 months, behold it came to pass that he received little to no mail the first few days of his week. Nevertheless, he continued in his studies, prayers, and learning of the language. Indeed, his growth was unanticipated, and spanned from his understanding of Czech, his appreciation for the Gospel, a development of a sure testimony of the Book of Mormon and of the Restored Gospel throuhg Joseph Smith, and, in particular, a killer good volleyball serve. Verily, Starší Anderson strove to grow in favor with God, Men, and volleyball.

And it came to pass that on the commencement of the 12th day of the 3rd Month of the year 2009, behold Starší Anderson, his companion Starší Nestman, and the one called "solo", being interpreted as Sister Reese, went forth to the TRC, a place of learning, a place of refinement, and a place of sheer terror for the unprepared. Nevertheless, the Czechs had studied long and hard that week, seeking the enlightement of the lord in the language of the Spirit, in the language of Czech, and in the preparation of a really good lesson. And it came to pass that the trio entered the TRC (being, interpreted by means of the MTC glossary guide, as the "Teaching Resource Center", ofttimes referred to as a TA or, being translated, a "Teaching Appointment"), they did so with boldness. Verily, through their preparations they had obtained great power and authority over the language of the Czechs, insofar as they could discuss food, drink, and a few points of the first lesson of Preach my Gospel. And thus they embarked, discussing the gospel in a simulated fashion with two men, formerly missionaries of our Lord themselves, who had gained for themselves a fluency in the Czech tongue. The missionaries proceeded to disucss all manner of foods, drinks, ingredients, and restaurant menu items with the "investigators." And it came to pass that, as they discussed, they referred frequently to the word of the lord, insofar as the Word could be likened unto a recipe, for these "investigators" had a keen interest in the meat that proceedeth out of the mouth of the oven as well as the Lord. Thus it was taught by the three Czech missionaries how the Plan of Salvation was like unto a recipe, and the words were well received. And verily, the missionaries did teach by the spirit, teaching principles of our Heavenly Father, even God the Father, and princples of the Restoration through Joseph Smith, including that first vision in this dispensation of God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, and the manner of prayer which we use to communicate with our Father. For behold, the missionaries had received great blessings of the Lord pertaining to declaring his word in the language of the Czechs and, through their preparations, prayers, fasting, and labors, they had mastery over the language. Verily, their lesson was entirely in Czech, and the word was well received by those who were taught.

And it came to pass that on the morrow, the missionaries, being filled with the spirit, were excited and enthusiastic to embark upon the coming week, and planned out the remainder of their grammar lessons for the coming week and a half. With a rigourous schedule of dozens of prepositions, cases, two or three new grammar concepts each day, and teaching 100% Czech twice a day, the missionaries set forth to be absolutely prepared in all things for the day when they would receive their travel plans in a week or so and then be off to the Czech Republic on the 6th of April, the morrow of the Conference General of the Church.

And it came to pass that during the evening of that friday, that the Branch President came and visited with his missionaries, and brought them glad tidings. For behold, a new house of the Lord had been erected in the land of Draper. And it came to pass that he brought glad tidings of the dedication of this holy structure, erected as a place of worship for the faithful of the Son of God, for all missionaries worthy of a temple recommend, that is to say, all missionaries, presently at the MTC would be granted place at a dedicatory ceremony that following sunday. Indeed, the MTC would become and extension of that Holy convocation, and all missionaries would be permitted to attend. And it came to pass that the district rejoiced with exceedingly great gladness, and there broke forth a bounty of celebratory brownies, and chocolates, and cookies, and all manner of unhealthy but highly savory and satisfying sweets, all of which were savored by the district and by the district president himself.

And Starší Anderson dwelt in his room.

And It came to pass that the Elders and Sister went forth on the morrow, studying the word of the Lord in all manner of tongues, with all manner of good books, particularly treasuring up the words of Preach My Gospel Chapter Six, and of LDS.org, and it's wonderous cross-referencing capacities, to which Starší Anderson made use of often. And it came to pass that their study journals filled to the brim, with paper and sticky notes filling the pages of their binders with the word of the lord, with means of teaching, of receiving the spirit, and of declaring the truth of the word abroad.

And it came to pass that some days passed, and the elders went up into the Temple, and enjoyed it very much. For to learn and to serve is what all men are called to do in this life, either through wickedness or good works. And through their works, and their struggles, and their labors, and their faith, all things were made manifest as truth before them. For behold, the spirit was well with them this week.

And it came to pass that Starší Anderson and his bretheren (And sisteren) received word that his own Brother, yeah the Brother of his childhood, who was the firstborn son of his parents, had found favor in the sight of God as well as in the sight of a fine and virtuous woman, whose name was Laura. And it came to pass that a date of engagement had been declared abroad by the happy couple. And the rejoicing and excitement of the missionaries was full, and was even further accented with another flowing of brownies and other sweets that probably should be burned off on the treadmill tomorrow. Nevertheless, it was well received news, well received good tidings.

And it came to pass that Starší Anderson spoke to the people who were abroad in babylon by the means of LDS.org, saying in his own tongue (rather than in the tongue of those past whose words were now contained in the holy scriptures):

"My friends, I'm doing well. Really really really really well. I'm also certain that, through recording our positive experiences in their sweetness, we will be able to endure the struggles of live. I know that the mission field is going to be a drastic change from the life of the MTC. But, because of our faithfulness, obedience, and dilligence, we know that we can have the Spirit of the Lord within us always. Therefore, I have no fear for the future, and I'm incredibly fortunate and blessed to be a missionary in this day. Miracles are wrought every day here, and of them all I am most grateful for witnessing the Atonement play a major role in each of our lives as it sets us "at one" with all things from which we are separated. I testify that I know that Jesus Is the Christ, that Joseph was called of our God to bring the Gospel to this day, and that through prayer and study, with the faith to receive answers, we will receive them. Indeed, this is all that is asked of us: faith and some effort. Through these simplest of means, all miracles may be accomplished.

I do miss you all terribly, but the joy I've found in serving others and seeing the son or daughter of God within those I teach eclipses the joy I've found before, and I know we may all find that same happiness. You're in my prayers, and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you again.

Starší Brent Anderson

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